Monday, August 20, 2012

Could it be...? Oh yes, I think it is!

It's 6:30 PM on Monday night, and I really want to go for a bike ride.  Like, really  really want to go.

Not like "I want to blog about it so I want to go," but like "I just want to get on the bike and gooooooo!  Please???"

I spent much of today in Pasadena, and had hoped to sneak in a ride out there.  But my car was too full for my bike this morning, and by the time I finished working in our overheated storage locker, I was woefully dehydrated (despite an entire Nalgene & large iced honey tea).  

Now, it's 6:35 PM on a Monday night, and I'm wondering/hoping/bargaining with daylight to sneak in a quick 10 miles.  

  • The worst of the rush hour traffic should have died down by now, right? 
  • My husband won't be home for another hour or two at least, right?
  • I ate a bunch of watermelon when I got home, so I should be hydrated enough, right??

Guys, I am wheeling and dealing with myself to try to get my ride in.

This is amazing.  I wasn't sure that this day would ever come.  But it has. It's here.  



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